Coronavirus Information
- Office Visit Guidelines During Coronavirus Outbreak
- We ask that patients exhibiting symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) or that have been exposed
to someone with the symptoms to please not come to the office. - Our office is open. However, our appointment availibility is limited as we are practicing social distancing.
- Patients who do come to the office: we ask that you stay in your car and call us when you arrive at (740) 689-9500. We will call you back when an exam room is available and escort you in. We ask that you wear a mask for the safety of everyone.
- To minimize the number of people in contact with each other we encourage family and friends to remain in their cars while patients are being seen in the office. We understand that some patients may initially need assistance from family or friends to enter the building.
- CDC Coronavirus "How to Protect Yourself" Info Page
- Zoom Telemedicine
- Follow-up visits and new appointments can be done using a telemedicine approach. We are utilizing Zoom.
- You will need to set up a free account at Zoom in advance.
- You can also download the Zoom app here.
- More instructions for Zoom can be found here.
Office: (740) 689-9500
Fax: 740.689.9555
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Email: We do not correspond by E-mail with patients, or prospective patients. If you would like to speak to someone in our office, please call during our above working hours.
